Cuadrantia presents direct and reliable answers to the statistically frequently asked questions, on essential topics. Only the most popular and reliable sources of information are considered. Thus, we present immediate, and truthful information, when it is most needed.

How was the information in Cuadrantia Coronavirus selected?

Cuadrantia was rigorously built, with the particular care of achieving an objective balance of reliable information, selecting information to be presented, by means of questions, and highly-ranked sources of information answering those questions.

Most frequently asked questions

These were identified according to Internet statistics, measured by SEO tools, or Search Engine Optimization, used to optimize web pages. See the following charts, generated by tools for range tracking and keyword research:


Information sources

Answers to the questions are represented by the most popular information sources that present specific and effective answers. The most popular sources of information were identified using traffic meters. Amazon Alexa, for example, generates statistics (traffic # 1 is the most popular) combining estimated traffic and visitor interaction for the past three months. Other similar services are and

The following are two statistical tables of traffic and participation for May 29, 2020. The first represents the main sites in general, and the second, news sites.
